Saturday, December 13, 2014

Final Part B: Overview of the Class

This class was an interesting class to take. It was taught differently than previous classes I have taken and with that came a different environment within the classroom. I felt like I researched and found a lot of the information that I learned instead of listening to a boring lecture every class which was kind of refreshing. I gained knowledge about basic cornerstones in Germany such as population (about 80 million) and how many states there are in the country (16). Along with those number facts, there was also key information regarding Germany's culture, history, and food. Some of which was depicted in the movies we watched, Baader-Meinhof Complex and Berlin Calling, as well as the book we read as a class, All Quiet on the Western Front. I believe these served as great learning tools in order to get a feel for some of the different aspects of German history, culture, and identity. Aside from German knowledge, this class also helped me improve upon my public speaking skills. It was great practice to make the presentations and present them to the class ourselves. It really made the material more prevalent in our studies and helped to make the class more interesting. The format of the class was good as long as the students did the work that they were responsible for. Sometimes it was hard to focus on someone giving a presentation on something that they had not researched and were supposed to. Other than that the class ran smoothly and was a fun experience!

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Final Part A: 3 Blog reviews

1. Paste the url of the reviewed blog first.
2. Why did the blog draw your interest as you started reviewing it, why not?
3. How much care did the blog author show for her or his blog? How can you tell?
4. How would you rate the overall informative quality on a scale of 1-5 (five is high)
5. How would you rate the readability of the blog on a scale of 1-5 (five is high)
6. Compared to your own blog, is the reviewed blog better, the same, or worse?

Blog #1:

2) It seemed like a pretty complete blog with good information. Could have been better with more visual aids.

3) He definitely showed care in his blog since, most importantly, it looked like a complete blog. Also, the posts contained good information and were not just sloppily thrown together in 5 minutes. His blog shows that he put in some time and effort

4) I'd rate this blog as a 5 for informative, lots of quality information.

5) Readability is somewhere between a 3 and 4. A lot of the font and text sizes are different which makes it difficult to read. Also organization could be a little better. The blog is good overall though.

6) I think I have a bit of an edge because I put more pictures on mine and mine is a little more organized but they are pretty close.

Blog #2:

2) The first thing that caught my attention was the background of the blog. It made the overall appeal better. Also organization of the posts was great in my opinion.

3) She showed a lot of care with her blog based on some elements that obviously took some thinking and some time. As mentioned the background was an attention getter and the organization took effort. Also the content is very thought out. Could use more pictures.

4) Informative quality would rank at 5 for me. She seemed to put in all of the work and her posts are something that can be used as a learning tool which is the goal.

5) Readability is a 5. As I've mentioned a few times, the organization is great which helps a ton with readability.

6) I'd say our blogs are very similar in the elements each of them bring to the table.

Blog #3:

2) This blog didn't really draw a whole lot of my interest. It was pretty basic, not many pictures and the posts were shorter than my previous reviewed ones. This blog was pretty bland.

3) The posts were completed with, what seems to me, as minimal care. He obviously put in some time to complete the posts with some information but, for example, the summaries such as the ones from the Baader-Meinhof complex and chapter 9 of AQOTWF sound like a copy and paste job.

4) I'd rate as a 3 or 4 for informative. The posts do contain some good information just not a lot of it.

5) I'd rate the readability as a 4. Nothing jumps out to make it bad but, on the other hand, nothing makes it great either.

6) Personally, I do think my blog ranks above this one for having more information and effort put into each post.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Baader-Meinhof Complex

In 1967 the Shah of Iran visited West Berlin which caused a protest by the Germans. The repressive actions of the Shah used in Iran was the main cause of these protests. During the event, one of the German protesters was killed which caused a huge uproar within Germany. Meinhof, a journalist, had written many critical pieces about the Shah and had very strong beliefs about the situation which caught the attention of many German citizens. These citizens looked at Meinhof as an inspiration for her views and a few decided it was time for a change. This change came first in the form of a bombing inside of a department store by Ensslin and Andreas Baader along with some others. Eventually, the group of Ensslin, Baader, Meinhof and a few other loyal followers begin to strike up support throughout Germany.

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 After a brief stint out of Germany, the group returns bearing the name of "Red Army Faction". 

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This organization was responsible for many bombings, shootings, and assassinations. The RAF existed from 1970 to 1998 as a self proclaimed communist group attempting to defeat what the considered to be a "Fascist state".

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Wednesday, December 3, 2014

German relations with neighboring countries

Germany's relationship with Denmark:

Denmark has an embassy in Berlin, Germany

Germany has an embassy in Copenhagen, Denmark

The current Danish-German border was established in 1920 by a referendum however, the border is considered to be a "soft border" and has been a positive source of cooperation between the two countries.

A large amount of minority populations live on each side of the border often called "fresians".

Many consider the border between these two countries to be a "model" of what border relations should be.

During World War II Germany invaded Denmark in the 1940s to use their land as a staging area for operations taking place in Norway.


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Group members: Slade Simpson, Brandi Vistad, David Sufficool, Calvin Smith